Tombek a typical hawker Lombok

Tombek also a typical hawker Lombok. As cerorot, hawker also has a unique flavor, and sweet. Because it is made from glutinous rice flour and a little
grated coconut, plus brown sugar. However, there are fundamental differences regarding both these snacks. Not just how to eat it, ie if cerorot do you eat is to roll-rolled in the palm of the hand, while Tombek by unfolded leaves (palm) are wrapped. There is one fundamental difference of this snack. In the community of South Lombok, that Tombek usually more often made during a groundbreaking ceremony .Do not afraid, it's just part of the ritual community of South Central Lombok, with the aim to pamper and expression of gratitude for the pilgrims who come. That said, usually when the show, Lombok typical food, good snacks are made full and special. As Cerorot, wajik, banget, and others.

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