Cerorot/Clorot ( unique traditional snacks of Lombok Island )

Cerorot/clorot made ​​from rice flour and add sugar as flavorings in red. What is unique is the way of Cororot wrap that produces a cone shape. It felt good to make Cororot appropriate for you to test. Santan Clorot Dough Recipe Ingredients: * 250 ml thick coconut milk from half coconut * 1 1 /...

Poteng ( Traditional Food for Lebaran On the island of Lombok )

Poteng or a kind of "tape" becomes one kind of snack cakes and snacks are residents of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) while the Eid al-Fitri ( Hari Raya Idul Fitri ).In contrast to other regions in Indonesia that always presents the diamond/ketupat or like the food at Idul Fitri on the island of...

Pecel Lombok

Pecel food menu could probably be found anywhere in Indonesia. But, on the island of Lombok you can also enjoy meals on this one. Other regions appear to other flavor. Therefore, if you travel to Lombok, could try to enjoy the uniqueness pecel. Pecel favorite food seems to have become part of...