Small Islands of the Exotic:

Lombok island has now become one of the tourist icons Indonesia, The beauty of the island is second to none in Indonesia, Agreeableness Sasak people, beauty of a very white beaches, coral reefs and incredible biological richness, splendor of Mount Rinjani and cultural uniqueness sasak many invites admiration domestic and foreign tourists.
This island is one of the two largest islands are owned by the Province of West Nusa Tenggara. Beauty of the landscape, making the island of Lombok to be one honeymoon destination which is also in demand. If you already know where the feet should go, the beauty of Lombok can be explored on this trip.
The island of Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air
Gili Island is one of the most beautiful island that lies off the northwestern island of Lombok, there are three Gili island of Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan. The third island has beautiful views with a clean white beaches and the water is very clear. The area around the island is known to have three beautiful sea garden is a habitat for a variety of beautiful fish and colorful.
Three regions located in the village of Gili Gili Indah, Tanjung district, West Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Gili is the small islands that are often found beautiful in West Lombok. Of all the islands in West Lombok, until now only three islands (gili) are visited by tourists.
Among the many attractions located in Lombok marine, tourists seem to not miss the west coast of Lombok. In addition to the famous Senggigi beach, there are three islands in a sea (of the call with the name of dyke) which became a favorite place for foreign and domestic tourists for the weekend.

The small islands called Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, Gili Meno and. The third island was able to represent a portrait of beauty as the beaches in Lombok. Water clarity are all present sea, white sand grains without a jumble of garbage, as well as coral reef fish are adorable.
Mileage to the third-longest island takes 30 minutes, depending on whether the flow of the waves. Direct stunning natural scenery. As salty seawater sealed by dark blue, light blue to light green. I was so crystal clear waters, the seabed was visible pithy. These three tiny islands in the middle of the ocean has a different unique characteristics. Each one had a natural atmosphere and its own characteristics. In fact, it seemed to finally sort out the differences in tourists in accordance with the interests, attitudes, and personality.

Gili Trawangan is the largest island, once the busiest farthest from the main island of Lombok. Most tourists who visit it consists of people who are youthful and energetic. In the holiday season, most of the evening party held by the frenetic music.
For tourists who just want to feel the atmosphere of the beach without going to get wet, can relax on the hotel porch, cafés, and restaurants are arranged beautifully. In fact, if interested, you can hire a horse-drawn carriage cidomo to surround the entire island of Gili Trawangan.
lg and most exciting one, on the island of Gili no police, because his island in the guard at the local community who love peace,,
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